Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rock a Bye Pinky 115/365

Day #115.... September 15, 2009

Oh my gosh!!!! My first picture on Flickr's Explore!!! I am so happy!!

The Minis wouldn't let me put them to bed while Pink was away on his date. They wanted to stay up until he came home to tell them all about the date. So even though Pink was a little mad at me... he went into the nursery and gave the Minis their bottles and told them all about his date. He said that he thinks she is the Pink one! They had a great date and they are going to take it nice and slow because Pink really wants this to work out. He still won't tell me who this mystery woman is though... he's afraid to jinx it. He said we can all meet her soon enough!

This title is inspired by yet another Pink Panther Episode "Rock a Bye Pinky" where a man and his dog staying in the woods keep Pink awake at night with his snoring. It's a good one! Just the title inspired me because obviously it has nothing to do with this picture... haha

After showing my Mom this picture she says she is a little worried about me because it is getting a little weird how I am taking my Pink pictures to "the extreme" Thanks Mom! haha I know I'm weird but this is my creative outlet. I have had so much fun on this project over the last few months! Feel free to think I'm crazy, but setting up and looking at my shots puts a smile on my face every day and I hope i can do the same for other people as well. It is all or nothing with me. Since I have had more time on each shot I have started to put a lot more time and care into them. What's the point of a boring 365 day project?!? This project has helped me immensely. In a way its therapy from my stressful life, giving me a good laugh every day. It has also drastically helped my photography skills and given me the confidence to try and follow my passion. So think what you may about this... I will continue and hopefully my shots will get even crazier and more extreme from here on out!!

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