Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pink Potty 116/365

Day #116.... September 16, 2009

Pink thinks since his Minis are growing up its time to potty train them. I noticed I have a bit of an inconsistency here since they never really wore diapers in any of my pervious shots... but bare with me here. Mini Pink didn't want to learn how to use the potty. He prefers his diapers. Whereas Mini Pinkette proudly sat on the potty like it was no big deal.

I tried to recreate Pink's bathroom as close as I could when I used it in a few of his other shots such as Sick Pink. But this time I used my little tabletop light studio that I bought. I had my shot just how I wanted it and I was ready to upload it then I realized that I forgot the toilet paper!! How could I leave that out? So I shot it again and then realized that Mini Pink's hand was moved and it gave him a totally different expression. 3rd times a charm! Plus I had already given up... good thing this came out how I wanted it to!!

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