Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pink Memories 108/365

Day #108..... September 8, 2009

Pink decided to bring out the family album. Of course Mini Pink had to excitedly point himself out... he's such a show off!

Today my mom decided to go through this box of memories she had to look for a postcard my grandpa had sent her as a young girl. Unfortunately we had a flood in our basement not too long ago and almost everything in the box was ruined. She did salvage a few things... but what really hit me was looking at her old photos. Her old boyfriends, her Senior trip to Florida, and all of her other memories. It actually almost brought me to tears seeing my mom as a teenager and the life she had. Photo albums are so great to look back on. I know we should live in the present, but looking back at fond memories of the past is always a great experience. It tore at my heart to see her throw most of it out. But hey, it's really just the past anyway right? I wondered if I would have anything to show my own daughter one day.... my life doesn't seem like a fairy tale like my mom's did with all of her romantic love letters from boyfriends and fun parties. haha Mine would perhaps be pretty boring! Hopefully with this digital age we won't have to worry about our physical pictures being damaged.... just don't let your computer crash!

1 comment:

  1. Keep those digital memories safe, make sure you have a backup!!! Computers will crash, hard drives will fail, backup you important files regularly and keep the backup somewhere away from your present computer.
