Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pink is Multiplying! 103/365

Day #103.... September 3, 2009

She's here!!! May I introduce to you.... Mini Pinkette!! Everyone had some very creative guesses to who my new character might be! This was probably too obvious (or too over done haha) for anyone to guess! Pink and Mini Pink are really surprised! They are asking each other who is she?!? Where did she come from?! They will be one big happy pink family soon! They just need to get over their confusion!

On a sad note... I think I need to get my camera cleaned!! :-( There are these weird spots on my shots no matter which lens I use so I'm assuming its inside the camera! And there's this weird spec by one of the focusing brackets but luckily it doesn't show up on my shots! I need to clone out these strange spots for the time being.... a few of my older pictures had them too but since I just got Photoshop Elements I will have to fix them!!

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