Monday, September 7, 2009

The Mini Pink Painting Service 107/365

Day #107.... September 7, 2009

The Mini Pinks found the paint samples that Pink had brought home from Home Depot not too long ago when he was trying to convince me to paint my room pink. He gave the idea up but when the Mini Pinks found them they got an idea. They picked out their favorite shade of pink and went to work. Pink was so scared about what I would say. I specifically told him that I DID NOT want a pink room! I would love to say that the Minis were only trying to help... but i have a feeling they are just wild little kids. I have a feeling Pink has had enough! I told him not to worry though... the paint will come right off.

As for the paint on Mini Pink... that was totally unintentional.. haha I dropped the paint brush while setting up this shot haha But just like the paint on the wall... it came right off of Mini Pink too thank god! haha

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