Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pink Diapers 117/365

Day #117.... September 17, 2009

Well its back to diapers since Mini Pink couldn't get the whole potty training thing down. Mini Pinkette thinks it's hilarious that she can do it and her brother can't so that is why she has the giggles. I think Pink has had enough of this baby stage. He said he can't wait until they grow up, but I gently reminded him it only gets much worse when they are teenagers! You better enjoy this stage while you can Pink! And don't worry I'm sure your future Mrs. Pink would love to help out!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pink panther, nice to meet you here. My name is Paulchen Panther, so Pink Panther is called in German and I'm blogging as well. What a nice surprise!
    Take care, Paulchen
