Monday, September 14, 2009

Pink Checking in on His Minis 114/365

Day #114..... September 14, 2009

Pink has a date tonight with the girl he met on OkCupid!!! He wouldn't let me come because he said I jinxed him last time by acting like a paparazzi. Plus, someone had to stay home and watch the Minis. I assured him I was well qualified to take care of them but of course he had to call and check up on us. He also told us his date was going really well! Mini Pink was clapping and Mini Pinkette was cheering they were so happy to hear that! They would love a Pink Mommy! I told him to be careful and no funny business this time!! His last date ended as a disaster! He wouldn't give us any other details though. He said he was going to keep her a mystery until he knew things were going to work out for sure. Darn! We sure are curious!

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