Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pink Diapers 117/365

Day #117.... September 17, 2009

Well its back to diapers since Mini Pink couldn't get the whole potty training thing down. Mini Pinkette thinks it's hilarious that she can do it and her brother can't so that is why she has the giggles. I think Pink has had enough of this baby stage. He said he can't wait until they grow up, but I gently reminded him it only gets much worse when they are teenagers! You better enjoy this stage while you can Pink! And don't worry I'm sure your future Mrs. Pink would love to help out!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pink Potty 116/365

Day #116.... September 16, 2009

Pink thinks since his Minis are growing up its time to potty train them. I noticed I have a bit of an inconsistency here since they never really wore diapers in any of my pervious shots... but bare with me here. Mini Pink didn't want to learn how to use the potty. He prefers his diapers. Whereas Mini Pinkette proudly sat on the potty like it was no big deal.

I tried to recreate Pink's bathroom as close as I could when I used it in a few of his other shots such as Sick Pink. But this time I used my little tabletop light studio that I bought. I had my shot just how I wanted it and I was ready to upload it then I realized that I forgot the toilet paper!! How could I leave that out? So I shot it again and then realized that Mini Pink's hand was moved and it gave him a totally different expression. 3rd times a charm! Plus I had already given up... good thing this came out how I wanted it to!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rock a Bye Pinky 115/365

Day #115.... September 15, 2009

Oh my gosh!!!! My first picture on Flickr's Explore!!! I am so happy!!

The Minis wouldn't let me put them to bed while Pink was away on his date. They wanted to stay up until he came home to tell them all about the date. So even though Pink was a little mad at me... he went into the nursery and gave the Minis their bottles and told them all about his date. He said that he thinks she is the Pink one! They had a great date and they are going to take it nice and slow because Pink really wants this to work out. He still won't tell me who this mystery woman is though... he's afraid to jinx it. He said we can all meet her soon enough!

This title is inspired by yet another Pink Panther Episode "Rock a Bye Pinky" where a man and his dog staying in the woods keep Pink awake at night with his snoring. It's a good one! Just the title inspired me because obviously it has nothing to do with this picture... haha

After showing my Mom this picture she says she is a little worried about me because it is getting a little weird how I am taking my Pink pictures to "the extreme" Thanks Mom! haha I know I'm weird but this is my creative outlet. I have had so much fun on this project over the last few months! Feel free to think I'm crazy, but setting up and looking at my shots puts a smile on my face every day and I hope i can do the same for other people as well. It is all or nothing with me. Since I have had more time on each shot I have started to put a lot more time and care into them. What's the point of a boring 365 day project?!? This project has helped me immensely. In a way its therapy from my stressful life, giving me a good laugh every day. It has also drastically helped my photography skills and given me the confidence to try and follow my passion. So think what you may about this... I will continue and hopefully my shots will get even crazier and more extreme from here on out!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Pink Checking in on His Minis 114/365

Day #114..... September 14, 2009

Pink has a date tonight with the girl he met on OkCupid!!! He wouldn't let me come because he said I jinxed him last time by acting like a paparazzi. Plus, someone had to stay home and watch the Minis. I assured him I was well qualified to take care of them but of course he had to call and check up on us. He also told us his date was going really well! Mini Pink was clapping and Mini Pinkette was cheering they were so happy to hear that! They would love a Pink Mommy! I told him to be careful and no funny business this time!! His last date ended as a disaster! He wouldn't give us any other details though. He said he was going to keep her a mystery until he knew things were going to work out for sure. Darn! We sure are curious!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

OkCupid Username: Needy_Mr_Pink 113/365

Day #113.... September 13, 2009

Pink has decided he needs to be a little bit more proactive in his search for the perfect pink girl. Since he is always so busy with his Minis he hasn't had much time to venture out and find a date for himself. He decided to join OkCupid to test his luck. He has just received a message from someone and is really excited to check it!! Maybe she will be Mrs. Pink Right!!! Here is his profile... he tends to brag a lot! Hopefully that won't turn the girls off!!

When asked to describe himself he said he is Romantic, Sweet, and Funny

My Self-Summary
Hello! I am Mr. Pink. You may have seen me in my well known cartoon series The Pink Panther. I have been looking for love in all of the wrong places so I decided to come here to OkCupid to test my luck. I am looking for a lovely female who would love to share her life with me and my 2 Minis. They are great kids but they sure are a handful! I enjoy long walks on the beach, romantic dinners, and watching episodes of my cartoon. Currently, I am the star of a very exclusive project titled The 365 Day Pink Panther Adventure where I am photographed daily. Almost like a Reality TV Star. My life is extremely interesting. The first thing people usually notice about me are my stunning yellow eyes. Look into them and I know you will instantly fall deeply in love. You should message me if you are fun, love children, and want to be treated like a real Princess. I anxiously await your response!

Here is Pink's profile picture. Doesn't he look dreamy...?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pink-A-Boo (Part I) 112/365

Day #112.... September 12, 2009

Inspired by the title of a Pink Panther episode Pink-A-Boo, Pink played Peak-A-Boo with his Minis. This is a 2 part shot for today! The episode isn't actually about playing Peak-A-Boo... its about a mouse in his house.. but very funny still!

I was looking all over online for free Pink Panther episodes to link to my pictures that inspired me and then I thought... DUH! YouTube!! I added 2 more links to episodes on my pictures. One on Day #13 A Match Made in Pink Heaven where Pink and his date watch his first episode "The Pink Phink" which happens to be one of my favorites!! And also on my Day #24 shot Pink of the Litter where Pink finds Pinkie at Petsmart. The episode is actually about cleaning up garbage, but the title inspired me and it is quite humorous! Check them out!