Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Pinks are Now Bloggers 98/365

Day #98.... August 29, 2009

As a friend of mine suggested, I started a blog for my little Pink Panther series. Mini Pink was so excited to see it and he pointed himself out on the screen. Pink here didn't get why Mini Pink was so excited. He just said "What's the big deal?? I've been on Flickr for months!!" Oh don't play so cool Pink... you know you are excited and will show off the blog to the next person you meet!! (Pink likes to show himself off....a lot!!) I am on the other hand, pretty shy about my Pink Panther series.... I have a feeling a lot of people think its really strange! Even my mom has said to me... "Ok Kristin, this is getting a little weird" She was talking about how I am kind of treating Pink like a real person and giving him a personality and a story to go along with his photos. I know the people here on Flickr (well hopefully at least some of them) understand.... but I haven't really told many friends or family about my little blog yet! haha I'm kind of hoping that just random people will see it and enjoy it. If anyone even wants to see it that is! haha 
Since I was backposting all of my posts to match the dates of my pictures this may seem a little out of order... but soon everything will be back to normal!  One Pink Panther picutre will be posted a day and it will all make sense... well it may not make sense why I am doing this... but at least timeline wise... haha

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