Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pinkie's Story

As a recap, here is Pinkie's Story. Pink was pretty down after his dating disaster and he wanted a pet to cure his loneliness. He went to Petsmart to pick out the perfect pet. He found her! She is pink and everything! Pink isn't very original so he named her Pinkie. On the way home Pink made sure that he was buckled in tight with his new pet. However, when he got home... someone had left the door open and Pinkie got out!! Pink was miserable again! He sat outside the house with the cat bowl and cried. His luck then changed when he spotted her in the grass so he devised a plan to catch her! Cats are very hard to catch when they go outside so Pink knew he had to be smart! He made a trail of cat food and waited at the end for her to come. It worked and he finally had Pinkie back in his arms at last! After quite a stressful day, the two of them relaxed on the couch as they watched Pink's first episode.... yea Pink likes to show off. Pinkie was quite impressed! Or at least she was trying to be nice.... When Mini Pink was introduced to Pinkie he went straight for the tail pulling..... of course! Why do all kids do that?? Poor Pinkie! Pink tried to teach Mini Pink a lesson on how to treat Pinkie... but I don't think it fully sunk in...

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