Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pink is Taking Some Time to Stop and Smell the Flowers 73/365

Day #73.... August 4, 2009

..... and today I have done so as well... not literally, but I have taken a look at my life and realized I am truly grateful for how things are. I am exactly where I need to be. I used to be pretty down about not finding a job right after graduation in Corporate America. I did study Engineering and Management after all!! But lately, I think I have found my true calling... which has NOTHING to do with Corporate America!! I think if I did find that high paying job right out of school I would have been comfortable and never tried finding my true passion in life.

My camera has changed my life... and maybe its crazy after spending 5 years and a FORTUNE studying Management and Engineering to switch gears to photography... but something is really pulling me!! I bought my camera about 4 months ago and I haven't been the same since!! The whole month of July I didn't take many pictures (which is why I am playing catch up with Pink here... and I also feel like unfortunately my skills have kind of regressed). The whole month of July I just felt out of place and like something from my life was missing! I kept saying "One day I will try to do something with Photography..." and a lady I work with said... "Why not start today? What have you got to lose??" So that is what I am doing. I may keep my eye open for a "real" job... but what I am really going to concentrate on is finding a job at a photo studio to learn as much as I can about portrait photography and with luck maybe I can even open up my own studio! I know I have A LOT to learn... I feel like most of my pictures are pure luck! But if I can progress as much as I did in 4 months... I can do something great with the rest of my life :-)

My mom just LOVES this idea... all I hear is how are you going to pay off your loans?!?!? But I just have a feeling everything is going to be fine :-) Ok this is turning into more of a diary entry or something..... please ignore my random thoughts! haha

I have changed the dates on my catch up photos to help keep them sorted and in order... but I feel like I need the REAL date on this one as well... to mark the day that I have truly been inspired... August 23, 2009

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