Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pink Sun Worshippers 89/365

Day #89..... August 20, 2009

The Pinks accompanied me on my sunflower shoot. They picked out the perfect sunflower for me to shoot. Pink was having a hard time climbing and was falling off a bit... but Mini Pink is a natural climber! There's this great sunflower field on the corner of Lake Cook Rd. and Milwaukee Ave. for any of you Chicagoans! I want to go back in the afternoon to try different lighting. Next time... I will not try to hop this little creek and end up with soaking shoes and pants... and I will not try and scoot my butt down this extreme incline and rip a hole in the butt of my favorite jeans... I will be prepared next time! haha I used 3 different lenses on my shoot!!

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