Friday, August 28, 2009

Pink is a Winner at the Game of Life 97/365

Day #97.... August 28, 2009

Pink is a winner!! He is busy counting his money while Mini Pink pushes his car to a payday! Mini Pink insisted that he used the white car like my Escape and he used 2 pink "people" to represent himself and Pink.

Life used to be one of my favorite games as a kid. I would always get excited with which house I would end up with and what career I would pick. Real life is quite a bit scarier! I did choose the long route to finish college though... haha I always hated to take that extra path in the game that kept you from getting to the rest of the game faster. I always wanted to pick the "You had twins card!" A random thought also came to my mind while setting up this shot. I always had the little blue guy drive my car as the pink representation of myself would sit happily in the passenger side. I would always play this game with a friend and she always insisted that her blue "husband" always sat in the passenger seat while she drove. Can you say future feminist? haha

It is also kind of sad how no one really plays board games anymore! All kids play these days are video games and more interactive flashy games! When I have a family I want to bring back family game night and play a real old school board game. However, by the time I have kids old enough to play board games they will probably be REALLY out of style! haha Thank you Barbara for the board game inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job on the blog! Love it!

    LIFE was also a favorite game of mine; and I still love playing board games more than videos games.
