Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pink Working Hard.... or Hardly Working? 74/365

Day #74... August 5, 2009

Pink is at "work" with me here. He is currently checking his latest photos on Flickr and reading Bram Stoker's Dracula on my Kindle!

My second job is at a country club which basically consists of me answering phones, reading my Kindle (yes.. that is a pink case for my Kindle... haha), and surfing Flickr.... when everyone isn't taking advantage of me and making me do ALL of their work, like our new totally clueless Catering Manager! Sounds like a great job huh? Uhhh no!! May I remind you it is a COUNTRY CLUB located in North Shore Chicago aka Rich Snob Central!!! I have to deal with people bitching at me for stuff completely out of my control... I work with the most unhappy, stubborn, old, German lady to ever walk the face of this Earth who constantly bitches about EVERYTHING and puts everyone down because she is ALWAYS right.... and I have to put up with the constant stench of old lady perfume from all of the old rich lady members of the club! Just today... I got bitched at by a lady because our calendar didn't say no a la carte dining but it clearly said Family BBQ Buffet (I don't design the calendars OR decide the schedule)... and I gave a lady a lesson on how to use her iPhone! BUT.... on a brighter note!!! (and I will stop my venting!) I am currently looking for another 2nd job to replace the country club! I am looking to work at a photo studio and really start following my passion! By Christmas (busy photo season) I WILL have a job at a photo studio!! (Trying out some positive manifesting thinking here!!) Wish me luck! :-)

Little side funny note.... my boyfriend (who works with me... yes one of the only good things about this job!) came to visit me as I was setting up this shot and just looked at me like I was CrAzY!! He doesn't really understand my project haha

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