Thursday, August 6, 2009

100K Pink 75/365

Day #75.... August 6, 2009

My car officially has 100K miles!! Well... 100K + 30! Oh no!!! I wanted to take a picture of it at 99,999 and 100,000 and I thought I had another week or so until I reached that point but I must have been in a daze on my way to work because I got in my car to go to lunch and it was at 100,001! I didn't have my camera so I had to wait... so it reads 100,030. Oh well... but Pink is astonished at how much I drive my car. The way things are going I need it to last another 100K... please! My poor car! I was trying to take a picture so you can read the odometer but I wasn't able to do it right... so I took a picture of it alone. That is why Pink is a little blurry for my liking since I was trying to focus on the odometer. Oh well! My lovely 2002 Ford Escape is still kickin'... I hope it can make it another 100K because I can't even think of buying a new car with all the school loan debt I have!!!

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