Monday, August 31, 2009

100th Pink Pic Party 100/365

Day #100..... August 31, 2009

We did it!! I am all caught up with Pink and it has been 100 days of Pink! 265 more to go! I hope I can find some more creativity still left in me!! I've been on Pink overload trying to catch him up! All of his friends came to the party! Even his ex-lover. I guess they worked things out and have agreed to be friends, but Pink won't let himself fall in love with her again! Mini Pink was busy trying to eat the frosting on the cake! Pink insisted on putting the candles in the cake so I didn't have the heart to tell him that the 1 is backwards!

I do have an idea for another Pink character.... lets see if you can guess! Here's a clue.... she will be small and pink....

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sistine Pink 99/365

Day #99.... August 30, 2009

Ok this is quite a stretch... I had this idea in my head and maybe I need to work on it a little more! Once I learn more about Photshop I will probably replace this with a different look. haha I was feeling pretty uninspired today because I've been on Pink overload trying to catch up!! I have 1 more day to get everything caught up!! I was looking ahead incorrectly and thought I would be doing my 100th shot on Tues... but actually its tomorrow!! Eeek! 6 more shots plus the special 100th shot! And I'm going to be extremely busy the next two days! I hope I can do it!! I just wish I had brought my camera to work today!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Pinks are Now Bloggers 98/365

Day #98.... August 29, 2009

As a friend of mine suggested, I started a blog for my little Pink Panther series. Mini Pink was so excited to see it and he pointed himself out on the screen. Pink here didn't get why Mini Pink was so excited. He just said "What's the big deal?? I've been on Flickr for months!!" Oh don't play so cool Pink... you know you are excited and will show off the blog to the next person you meet!! (Pink likes to show himself off....a lot!!) I am on the other hand, pretty shy about my Pink Panther series.... I have a feeling a lot of people think its really strange! Even my mom has said to me... "Ok Kristin, this is getting a little weird" She was talking about how I am kind of treating Pink like a real person and giving him a personality and a story to go along with his photos. I know the people here on Flickr (well hopefully at least some of them) understand.... but I haven't really told many friends or family about my little blog yet! haha I'm kind of hoping that just random people will see it and enjoy it. If anyone even wants to see it that is! haha 
Since I was backposting all of my posts to match the dates of my pictures this may seem a little out of order... but soon everything will be back to normal!  One Pink Panther picutre will be posted a day and it will all make sense... well it may not make sense why I am doing this... but at least timeline wise... haha

Friday, August 28, 2009

Pink is a Winner at the Game of Life 97/365

Day #97.... August 28, 2009

Pink is a winner!! He is busy counting his money while Mini Pink pushes his car to a payday! Mini Pink insisted that he used the white car like my Escape and he used 2 pink "people" to represent himself and Pink.

Life used to be one of my favorite games as a kid. I would always get excited with which house I would end up with and what career I would pick. Real life is quite a bit scarier! I did choose the long route to finish college though... haha I always hated to take that extra path in the game that kept you from getting to the rest of the game faster. I always wanted to pick the "You had twins card!" A random thought also came to my mind while setting up this shot. I always had the little blue guy drive my car as the pink representation of myself would sit happily in the passenger side. I would always play this game with a friend and she always insisted that her blue "husband" always sat in the passenger seat while she drove. Can you say future feminist? haha

It is also kind of sad how no one really plays board games anymore! All kids play these days are video games and more interactive flashy games! When I have a family I want to bring back family game night and play a real old school board game. However, by the time I have kids old enough to play board games they will probably be REALLY out of style! haha Thank you Barbara for the board game inspiration!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pinky-Back Ride 96/365

Day #96.... August 27, 2009

Mini Pink wanted a piggy-back ride so of course Pink couldn't say no. Could you say no to that cute little face??

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Say Cheese Mini Pink! 95/365

Day #95... August 26, 2009

Pink is tired of me taking all of the pictures so he wanted to take one of his own of Mini Pink. I would show you his picture but Pink was stressing out so much about the composition that the camera ran out of batteries before he could click!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pink Swing 94/365

Day #94.... August 25, 2009

Pink is feeling better today and decided to take Mini Pink to the park again. This time he refused to get buried in sand so they swung on the swing set instead! Pink looks very relaxed!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Pink Migraine 93/365

Day #93.... August 24, 2009

Pink has a really bad migraine today so Mini Pink has brought him an aspirin! How thoughtful! This shot was inspired by my headache which caused me to leave work early... but then I felt better and took a bunch of Pink pics!! So it wasn't so bad!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Buried Pink 92/365

Day #92.... August 23, 2009

During my lunch break I was trying to find a little park for the Pinks to play at. Mini Pink went straight to play in the sand and begged Pink to let him bury him in the sand! Pink doesn't look too amused....

There have to be at least 10 parks around the Winnetka area... but all of them had kids and parents. I felt a little strange taking pictures of my toys and had a feeling the parents may be a little creeped out! But I found this tiny empty park! Although... there were some landscapers giving me strange looks!! I STILL have sand in my heals while I'm sitting here at work! My Pinks are probably getting sand all inside my camera bag too now!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pinkie's Story

As a recap, here is Pinkie's Story. Pink was pretty down after his dating disaster and he wanted a pet to cure his loneliness. He went to Petsmart to pick out the perfect pet. He found her! She is pink and everything! Pink isn't very original so he named her Pinkie. On the way home Pink made sure that he was buckled in tight with his new pet. However, when he got home... someone had left the door open and Pinkie got out!! Pink was miserable again! He sat outside the house with the cat bowl and cried. His luck then changed when he spotted her in the grass so he devised a plan to catch her! Cats are very hard to catch when they go outside so Pink knew he had to be smart! He made a trail of cat food and waited at the end for her to come. It worked and he finally had Pinkie back in his arms at last! After quite a stressful day, the two of them relaxed on the couch as they watched Pink's first episode.... yea Pink likes to show off. Pinkie was quite impressed! Or at least she was trying to be nice.... When Mini Pink was introduced to Pinkie he went straight for the tail pulling..... of course! Why do all kids do that?? Poor Pinkie! Pink tried to teach Mini Pink a lesson on how to treat Pinkie... but I don't think it fully sunk in...

Cowboy Mini Pink 91/365

Day #91.... August 22, 2009

Mini Pink is playing cowboy with Pinkie despite the lesson Pink gave him yesterday on how to treat Pinkie. Some kids will just never learn.... I think Pink has given up!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Pink ~ The 3rd 30 Days ~ 7/23/09 - 8/21/09

1. Pink is Searching for Money 61/365, 2. Buff Pink 62/365, 3. Now Show Us Your Muscles Pink 63/365, 4. Pink Has a Pimple 64/365, 5. Pink Chop Sticks 65/365, 6. Pink Attacks! 66/365, 7. Pink is Demanding!!!! 67/365, 8. Pink Sneakers 68/365, 9. Pink the Perv 69/365, 10. Burn Me a Pink CD Pretty Pleeeeese! 70/365, 11. Pink Shades 71/365, 12. Fire Chief Pink to the Rescue! 72/365, 13. Pink is Taking Some Time to Stop and Smell the Flowers 73/365, 14. Pink Working Hard.... or Hardly Working? 74/365, 15. 100K Pink 75/365, 16. Hello.... I'm a Mac... and I'm a Pink 76/365, 17. PinkArt Glitter Pen 77/365, 18. Pink Hula Hoop 78/365, 19. Kristin & Pink 79/365, 20. Pink's Knitting Disaster 80/365, 21. I'm Too Sexy For My Pink Scarf 81/365, 22. Crabby Pink 82/365, 23. Pink's Revenge 83/365, 24. Mini Pink...? 84/365, 25. Bath Time for Mini Pink 85/365, 26. I Don't Want My Mini Pink to Catch a Cold! 86/365, 27. Pink Bedtime Story 87/365, 28. Look Mini Pink! This is Where it All Began! 88/365, 29. Pink Sun Worshippers 89/365, 30. Play Nice With Pinkie!!! 90/365

Since during my catch up I worked forwards and backwards... yea strange I know, it is finally time to fill in the 3rd installment of Pink's 30 days! This set was also quite a struggle to catch up... but since then its been smooth sailing give or take. I may skip a day or 2 and easily catch it up the next day. But no fear! Pink will not disappear for a month or 2 ever again!

Play Nice With Pinkie!!! 90/365

Day #90.... August 21, 2009

Mini Pink has been introduced to Pinkie and like all kids he went straight to the tail pulling! Luckily Pink was there to intervene and teach his Mini Pink a lesson on how to be nice to Pinkie! Good thing Pinkie is a sweet tollerant kitty. If Mini Pink would have tried that with my cat Shannon...she would have bitten his little head off!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pink Sun Worshippers 89/365

Day #89..... August 20, 2009

The Pinks accompanied me on my sunflower shoot. They picked out the perfect sunflower for me to shoot. Pink was having a hard time climbing and was falling off a bit... but Mini Pink is a natural climber! There's this great sunflower field on the corner of Lake Cook Rd. and Milwaukee Ave. for any of you Chicagoans! I want to go back in the afternoon to try different lighting. Next time... I will not try to hop this little creek and end up with soaking shoes and pants... and I will not try and scoot my butt down this extreme incline and rip a hole in the butt of my favorite jeans... I will be prepared next time! haha I used 3 different lenses on my shoot!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Look Mini Pink! This is Where it All Began! 88/365

Day #88... August 19, 2009

Pink is showing off his introduction to the cyber world!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pink Bedtime Story 87/365

Day #87.... August 18, 2009

Now it is off to bed but Mini Pink wanted a bedtime story first.
(That's the little yoga book that came with Mini Pink!)

Monday, August 17, 2009

I Don't Want My Mini Pink to Catch a Cold! 86/365

Day #86.... August 17, 2009

Pink made sure to wrap Mini Pink in a warm towel (or knitted "scarf") so he wouldn't catch a cold!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bath Time for Mini Pink 85/365

Day #85.... August 16, 2009

Just as I thought.... Pink got over his confusion with Mini Pink and couldn't love him more. Even clones need a bath before bedtime! Don't get soap in his eyes Pink!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mini Pink...? 84/365

Day #84.... August 15, 2009

And I shall call him.... MINI PINK! I found this little guy at Borders in a little box and its a little yoga Pink Panther or something... I have to look at it.. I just couldn't pass up this cute little guy and had to buy him! He will be making some more appearances that's for sure! Pink was VERY confused but I am sure he will come to love his Mini Pink! And a special thanks to Barbara for the background inspiration! I will be trying to find some new backgrounds to my photos!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pink's Revenge 83/365

Day #83.... August 14, 2009

Toby has found a new place to sleep since it has been so hot in our house... I guess the sink is cool? Strange cat! Anyway... Pink is tired of Toby being the head cat in the house and getting to eat first so he wanted to take out a little revenge on him. Hehe... cats hate water! Good thing I stopped Pink before he scared the heck out of Toby!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Crabby Pink 82/365

Day #82.... August 13, 2009

Pink is very crabby today... it must be his time of the month for his P(ink)MS. Ironically, he chose to climb up a crab apple tree to get away from me...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm Too Sexy For My Pink Scarf 81/365

Day #81.... August 12, 2009

Here is the sample piece I made to practice my knitting, but when Pink saw it he thought it was a scarf I had planned to make for him.... he doesn't realize that its too hot to wear a scarf now!! It is actually quite horrible... too many mistakes... but I have gotten much better and have made some great progress on my baby blanket!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pink's Knitting Disaster 80/365

Day #80.... August 11, 2009

I have decided to quit smoking finally and a lady I work with gave me some advice to start knitting to give my hands something to do and transfer my addiction elsewhere. So I thought I would take up knitting but I was thinking I can only make so many scarves for myself... I want to do something better! So she told me about this organization called the Linus Project where you make baby blankets and donate them to children in need. So that is what I will be knitting! Pink got all caught up in my yarn trying to "help"

Monday, August 10, 2009

Kristin & Pink 79/365

Day #79 August 10, 2009

Well..... I have kind of neglected Pink... that's why he's looking at me all like why did you abandon me?!?! I've been taking some pictures but haven't had the time to upload them and some days I unfortunately haven't had the time to take any at all. However, the ideas for photos have been still coming to me this entire time, I am not yet out of inspiration! I just started reading the book Julie & Julia and I am so inspired by her 1 year cooking challenge that I decided I MUST finish my 1 year Pink Panther photo challenge. I will be slowly uploading the pictures I have taken and filling in the photoless days. Through Julie's cooking challenge she found herself and her passion which is what I started to feel like the day I bought my camera and discovered this website. I highly recommend this book and I will be seeing the movie on Wednesday.... I heard it was great! Thanks Julie Powell for the inspiration!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Pink Hula Hoop 78/365

Day #78.... August 9, 2009

Ok this didn't turn out as well as the idea in my head.... but eh I'm behind and need to catch up! Pink liked it because it showed off his hula hooping skills.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

PinkArt Glitter Pen 77/365

Day #77.... August 8, 2009

I came home and caught Pink using a RoseArt Pink Glitter Pen. His idea of a little art project. I just told him not to get the glitter on the carpet!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Hello.... I'm a Mac... and I'm a Pink 76/365

Day #76..... August 7, 2009

Yes... Pink and I have officially ditched our PC and went with a Mac!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

100K Pink 75/365

Day #75.... August 6, 2009

My car officially has 100K miles!! Well... 100K + 30! Oh no!!! I wanted to take a picture of it at 99,999 and 100,000 and I thought I had another week or so until I reached that point but I must have been in a daze on my way to work because I got in my car to go to lunch and it was at 100,001! I didn't have my camera so I had to wait... so it reads 100,030. Oh well... but Pink is astonished at how much I drive my car. The way things are going I need it to last another 100K... please! My poor car! I was trying to take a picture so you can read the odometer but I wasn't able to do it right... so I took a picture of it alone. That is why Pink is a little blurry for my liking since I was trying to focus on the odometer. Oh well! My lovely 2002 Ford Escape is still kickin'... I hope it can make it another 100K because I can't even think of buying a new car with all the school loan debt I have!!!

100k!!! Well.... +30

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pink Working Hard.... or Hardly Working? 74/365

Day #74... August 5, 2009

Pink is at "work" with me here. He is currently checking his latest photos on Flickr and reading Bram Stoker's Dracula on my Kindle!

My second job is at a country club which basically consists of me answering phones, reading my Kindle (yes.. that is a pink case for my Kindle... haha), and surfing Flickr.... when everyone isn't taking advantage of me and making me do ALL of their work, like our new totally clueless Catering Manager! Sounds like a great job huh? Uhhh no!! May I remind you it is a COUNTRY CLUB located in North Shore Chicago aka Rich Snob Central!!! I have to deal with people bitching at me for stuff completely out of my control... I work with the most unhappy, stubborn, old, German lady to ever walk the face of this Earth who constantly bitches about EVERYTHING and puts everyone down because she is ALWAYS right.... and I have to put up with the constant stench of old lady perfume from all of the old rich lady members of the club! Just today... I got bitched at by a lady because our calendar didn't say no a la carte dining but it clearly said Family BBQ Buffet (I don't design the calendars OR decide the schedule)... and I gave a lady a lesson on how to use her iPhone! BUT.... on a brighter note!!! (and I will stop my venting!) I am currently looking for another 2nd job to replace the country club! I am looking to work at a photo studio and really start following my passion! By Christmas (busy photo season) I WILL have a job at a photo studio!! (Trying out some positive manifesting thinking here!!) Wish me luck! :-)

Little side funny note.... my boyfriend (who works with me... yes one of the only good things about this job!) came to visit me as I was setting up this shot and just looked at me like I was CrAzY!! He doesn't really understand my project haha

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pink is Taking Some Time to Stop and Smell the Flowers 73/365

Day #73.... August 4, 2009

..... and today I have done so as well... not literally, but I have taken a look at my life and realized I am truly grateful for how things are. I am exactly where I need to be. I used to be pretty down about not finding a job right after graduation in Corporate America. I did study Engineering and Management after all!! But lately, I think I have found my true calling... which has NOTHING to do with Corporate America!! I think if I did find that high paying job right out of school I would have been comfortable and never tried finding my true passion in life.

My camera has changed my life... and maybe its crazy after spending 5 years and a FORTUNE studying Management and Engineering to switch gears to photography... but something is really pulling me!! I bought my camera about 4 months ago and I haven't been the same since!! The whole month of July I didn't take many pictures (which is why I am playing catch up with Pink here... and I also feel like unfortunately my skills have kind of regressed). The whole month of July I just felt out of place and like something from my life was missing! I kept saying "One day I will try to do something with Photography..." and a lady I work with said... "Why not start today? What have you got to lose??" So that is what I am doing. I may keep my eye open for a "real" job... but what I am really going to concentrate on is finding a job at a photo studio to learn as much as I can about portrait photography and with luck maybe I can even open up my own studio! I know I have A LOT to learn... I feel like most of my pictures are pure luck! But if I can progress as much as I did in 4 months... I can do something great with the rest of my life :-)

My mom just LOVES this idea... all I hear is how are you going to pay off your loans?!?!? But I just have a feeling everything is going to be fine :-) Ok this is turning into more of a diary entry or something..... please ignore my random thoughts! haha

I have changed the dates on my catch up photos to help keep them sorted and in order... but I feel like I need the REAL date on this one as well... to mark the day that I have truly been inspired... August 23, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Fire Chief Pink to the Rescue! 72/365

Day #72... August 3, 2009

I found this little Fire Chief car at a park in Winnetka by my work and I'm assuming it used to be red but with years of sun and wear and tear has turned pink. Perfect for Pink here... he LOVES anything pink and wanted to play Fire Chief! I was looking for an empty park to avoid strange looks from concerned parents while I took pictures of my toys. I found this little deserted park and knew instantly when I saw this little car that I had found the perfect pink spot!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pink Shades 71/365

Day #71...... August 2, 2009

Pink found some pink sunglasses and the attitude to go with them!! Work it Pink! You look fierce

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Burn Me a Pink CD Pretty Pleeeeese! 70/365

Day #70..... August 1, 2009

What kind of music does a pink panther listen to anyway?? I can't say no to that face... I guess I couldn't go wrong with his theme song! Do Do... Do Do... Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Dooooooo.............