Friday, July 17, 2009

Pink the Spyhunter 55/365

Day #55... July 17, 2009

I got a REALLY nasty virus on my work computer which has made me worried about my own precious Mac! I know not much affects Macs since PCs are mostly targeted but I wanted to take all precautions. Pink took me quite literally and thought he actually had to HUNT the spyware.... yea he's strange!

But anyways... as the guy I work with was cleaning up my computer he said one of the viruses could have been from Flickr!! The other was most likely from Facebook. Nasty links are going around from your friends so you think its ok to click on them! I clicked on my friend's link and it sent the virus out to all of my Facebook friends and updated my status with the link! It is a very smart virus! Programs pop up for you to buy, of course, that will fix the problem, but really that is the virus itself! This deeply saddens me for a few reasons. First of all... Flickr is my favorite website. It has been a constant source of inspiration and has guided me in my photography quest, always teaching me new techniques. Also, I am very grateful for all of the positive feedback I have received on my photos. It is very encouraging to know that at least someone out there finds my work beautiful, or in the case of my Pink Panther series humorous. I do it for myself because it makes me laugh.... but I'm a little weird. Secondly, this saddens me because so much time and energy is spent trying to screw people over by creating viruses! These people are geniuses!! If they only applied their brainpower to something a little bit more productive the world would be a better place! This goes for people who develop new bombs and guns etc. These are brilliant inventions, but only used for destruction and harm! Why not use these brilliant scientists to create something for the greater good of society?!?! But that is just my little vent for today!

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