Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pink at Your Service 43/365

Day #43... July 5, 2009

I have to serve tonight at the country club. I frickin hate waitressing sometimes! Especially for rich snobs! That is how I started working there but then I was "promoted" to receptionist... yippie! But of course they always ask me to help out when they are busy cuz I'm the best... haha Just kidding! You wouldn't believe the crap I've had to put up with there! Some people practically custom order their dishes because since they are members at the club they think they can and we really can't say no! Pink is coming with me to work today in my apron and hopefully helping me remember orders and hold me back from wanting to bitch slap a few people. Haha wow I probably sound like such a bitch... but actually I am way too sweet to even think about talking back to people... the right thing to say always comes to me way after the fact. Don't you hate how that happens?? In addition to the horrible people I have to wait on... would you want to wear that nasty maroon vest, a tux shirt, and a bow-tie?? I think not!!

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