Monday, July 13, 2009

All Clean Pink! 51/365

Day #51.... July 13, 2009

Pink is much happier now that I have finally cleaned out my trunk! I was amazed at all the stuff I found!! Some of which I had completely forgotten about!! My trunk has been a mess for probably way over a year as I was driving up and back to school and since I've moved back home I've been working nonstop and living at my parents house... at my boyfriends place.. and keeping stuff in my car... oh and basically living at work as well! Finally it is all clean but I am still not caught up on the laundry! Now my room is a mess... do you ever notice how when you try and organize or clean one area you cause a disaster everywhere else?!?

My mom bought me this weird blue rug to go in my trunk. She said the mat my car came with was dirty and I needed a new one... probably from all of the crap I was driving around with! Yea.... she's kind of a neat freak! Don't think I inherited that trait....

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