Friday, July 31, 2009

Pink the Perv 69/365

Day #69... July 31, 2009

Pink is being naughty today and looking in my Victoria's Secret bag!! He's a very dirty panther!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pink Sneakers 68/365

Day #68... July 30, 2009

Pink thinks I have been gaining weight and I need to start running. He is right... all I do is work... and at work all I do is sit and eat!! He is trying to show me how to run because he thinks I forgot how!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pink is Demanding!!!! 67/365

Day #67... July 29, 2009

Pink is helping me upload some of his pictures. I have gotten behind and his 100th picture is coming up so he feels that if there aren't 99 pictures before it then it won't really feel like 100! He has a big party planned. I tried to explain to him that I have been very very busy with work! I have school loans to pay off which is something he will never understand! But he won't hear any of it! He says I need to get his series up to date!! Sheesh!! Now that's what I call demanding!!!! I have 30 pictures to catch up in a week!! I told him I don't want to sacrifice quality for quantity, but he insists I make my deadline or he will be disappointed at his big 100th picture party! Anyone want to take Pink off of my hands??? I think I've had enough of his attitude!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pink Attacks! 66/365

Day #66.... July 28, 2009

Pink is only a cat after all! He found one of my cat toys and couldn't resist the little blue bird! He has probably played more with it than my cats have! This shot was super annoying to set up... the toy makes bird sounds every time you touch it!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Pink Chop Sticks 65/365

Day #65.... July 27, 2009

Pink and I had some fried rice for dinner but all he could say was.... "Uhh... can I have a fork please?" I don't know how to use chop sticks either!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pink Has a Pimple 64/365

Day #64.... July 26, 2009

Pink has a pimple!!! And he's freaking out!!!! I gave him some makeup so he can hopefully cover it up!! It looks pretty big though! haha Now if only I had a pink mirror... haha

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Now Show Us Your Muscles Pink 63/365

Day #63.... July 25, 2009

To try and make Pink feel good I told him to show off his "muscles." Poor Pink haha

Friday, July 24, 2009

Buff Pink 62/365

Day #62.... July 24, 2009

Or at least he wants to be.... I told him he was going to push himself too hard!! Those scrawny arms can't lift those weights!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pink is Searching for Money 61/365

Day #61... July 23, 2009

But I told him... that's a money TREE... there isn't any REAL money! I guess Pink had good intentions though... he wanted to give the money to me... how sweet! The guy I work for has this money tree... and I wanted to take a picture of the whole tree, since this picture doesn't really show much of it... but I saw his car through the window and had to stop my shoot quite quickly and put away my camera fast! I didn't feel like explaining to him that I was taking a picture of my toy on his money tree.....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pink ~ The 2nd 30 Days ~ 6/23/09 - 7/22/09

1. Pink in the Shire 31/365, 2. Fish Eyed Pink 32/365, 3. Pink Gets in a Water Balloon Fight.... 33/365, 4. Pink Fuzzy Slippers 34/365, 5. Forget Purdue Pete... I Will Be Purdue Pink!! 35/365, 6. Where Did Pink Go?? 36/365, 7. Pink's Poker Face 37/365, 8. Pink Clipped 38/365, 9. Pink Loves Blurb! 39/365, 10. Pink's Art Gallery 40/365, 11. Pink-in-the-Box 41/365, 12. Pink Stars & Stripes 42/365, 13. Pink at Your Service 43/365, 14. I Scream, You Scream, Pink Screams for Ice Cream! 44/365, 15. The Pink Way to Eat an Oreo 45/365, 16. Pink Silly String 46/365, 17. Pink-Dazzled 47/365, 18. Pink Lollypop 48/365, 19. Get in My Pink Net!! 49/365, 20. Pink in a Mess 50/365, 21. All Clean Pink! 51/365, 22. Pink Needs to Wash His Hands 52/365, 23. The Full Blood Pink 53/365, 24. Pink in My Windshield 54/365, 25. Pink the Spyhunter 55/365, 26. Ahh! Don't Eat Me!! Pink Doesn't Taste Very Good!! 56/365 (Part II), 27. Pink Paint 57/365, 28. Pink is Getting His Ducks in a Row 58/365, 29. Dunkin' Pinknut 59/365, 30. Pink Likes it HOT! 60/365

I decided to do these every 30 days. I finally have the 2nd 30 days all filled in after my cactch up photos!! These were quite a struggle!

Pink Likes it HOT! 60/365

Day #60.... July 22, 2009

I do too... but I'm not a huge fan of Tabasco sauce. Pink's little yellow eyes lit up when I gave him his own little bottle. This picture is dedicated to my boyfriend Pablo who pours hot sauce all over EVERYTHING he eats. He is just now starting to understand my little Pink Panther series... and.... today is his birthday! :-)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dunkin' Pinknut 59/365

Day #59.... July 21, 2009

I brought home some Dunkin' Donuts and Pink dove right in to his favorite kind. It's pretty obvious which one he chose! He was very sticky after this shot!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Pink is Getting His Ducks in a Row 58/365

Day #58..... July 20, 2009

Pink wants to get his ducks in a row as I am now trying to get my life in order.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pink Paint 57/365

Day #57.... July 19, 2009

Pink is begging me to paint my room pink! He went to Home Depot and got samples and everything to pick out his favorite shade! He kept reminding me that he is an expert painter (from the 1st Pink Panther episode). One of my favorite episodes! If you haven't watched any Pink Panther cartoons... I highly recommend them!! But anyways... I don't think I could paint my room pink! That is just way too much pink to deal with! I am quite happy with my purple room!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pink Wants a Hug 56/365 (Part I)

Day #56 (Part I).... July 18, 2009

Pink was feeling a little lonely and wanted a hug from Sabrina. But...... (see Part II)

Ahh! Don't Eat Me!! Pink Doesn't Taste Very Good!! 56/365 (Part II)

Day #56 (Part II)... July 18, 2009

Sabrina only wanted a snack! Geez.... Pink only wanted a hug! Watch those teeth Pink! They're sharp!!

My camera was dying during these two shots but somehow I managed to get these two between minute long battery charges to give it a little juice while keeping Sabrina in place.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Pink the Spyhunter 55/365

Day #55... July 17, 2009

I got a REALLY nasty virus on my work computer which has made me worried about my own precious Mac! I know not much affects Macs since PCs are mostly targeted but I wanted to take all precautions. Pink took me quite literally and thought he actually had to HUNT the spyware.... yea he's strange!

But anyways... as the guy I work with was cleaning up my computer he said one of the viruses could have been from Flickr!! The other was most likely from Facebook. Nasty links are going around from your friends so you think its ok to click on them! I clicked on my friend's link and it sent the virus out to all of my Facebook friends and updated my status with the link! It is a very smart virus! Programs pop up for you to buy, of course, that will fix the problem, but really that is the virus itself! This deeply saddens me for a few reasons. First of all... Flickr is my favorite website. It has been a constant source of inspiration and has guided me in my photography quest, always teaching me new techniques. Also, I am very grateful for all of the positive feedback I have received on my photos. It is very encouraging to know that at least someone out there finds my work beautiful, or in the case of my Pink Panther series humorous. I do it for myself because it makes me laugh.... but I'm a little weird. Secondly, this saddens me because so much time and energy is spent trying to screw people over by creating viruses! These people are geniuses!! If they only applied their brainpower to something a little bit more productive the world would be a better place! This goes for people who develop new bombs and guns etc. These are brilliant inventions, but only used for destruction and harm! Why not use these brilliant scientists to create something for the greater good of society?!?! But that is just my little vent for today!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pink in My Windshield 54/365

Day #54..... July 16, 2009

It has been an extremely rainy "summer" here in Chicago this year! I say "summer" because half the time it has felt like either spring or even fall! Pink is riding in my car looking out of the windshield asking what's up with the weather?! I took this while at a stoplight. It was one of my first pictures before the light turned green and I had to wait until the next stoplight. But this one actually turned out to be my favorite!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Full Blood Pink 53/365

Day #53.... July 15, 2009

Pink is a huge Harry Potter nerd so he was rereading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince right before the movie came out!

Pink was slightly disappointed by the movie however. Books are always better!!! After the movie he kept on saying, "WTF was with the cornfield scene?!?! And no ending fight scene at Hogwarts!!!! Don't add stuff that wasn't in the book and take away the action!!" Pink just needs to watch the movie again and stop comparing it to the book... geez you're so judgmental Pink!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pink Needs to Wash His Hands 52/365

Day #52..... July 14, 2009

Pink has been getting very dirty lately! I guess its from brining him everywhere and keeping him in my camera bag. I told him He needs to wash his hands!! But, he forgot about the water....

Monday, July 13, 2009

All Clean Pink! 51/365

Day #51.... July 13, 2009

Pink is much happier now that I have finally cleaned out my trunk! I was amazed at all the stuff I found!! Some of which I had completely forgotten about!! My trunk has been a mess for probably way over a year as I was driving up and back to school and since I've moved back home I've been working nonstop and living at my parents house... at my boyfriends place.. and keeping stuff in my car... oh and basically living at work as well! Finally it is all clean but I am still not caught up on the laundry! Now my room is a mess... do you ever notice how when you try and organize or clean one area you cause a disaster everywhere else?!?

My mom bought me this weird blue rug to go in my trunk. She said the mat my car came with was dirty and I needed a new one... probably from all of the crap I was driving around with! Yea.... she's kind of a neat freak! Don't think I inherited that trait....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pink in a Mess 50/365

Day #50.... July 12, 2009

Ok this is just a little embarrassing... ok VERY embarrassing! Pink has been bugging me to clean out my trunk. As you can see... it's a DISASTER!!

And WOW! It has been 50 days! Well kinda... I haven't totally kept up with it but am slowly uploading old pictures and filling in the gaps. Don't worry folks Pink WILL make it to the end... he just hit a little bump in the road.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Get in My Pink Net!! 49/365

Day #49.... July 11, 2009

Pink is helping me take care of my Beta fish Fernando Dos... yes the original Fernando died... RIP Fernando! I let Pink try and catch him so I could change the water in his bowl... Pink had some trouble with this though!

I kind of had Fat Bastard saying, "Get in my BELLY!!" stuck in my head when I came up with this title....

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pink Lollypop 48/365

Day #48..... July 10, 2009

I bought Pink a bubblegum lollypop. He couldn't wait to eat it! This shot was extremely frustrating! The lollypop was too heavy and wouldn't stay anywhere I put it. I decided to do this shot because I was burnt out and wanted something simple... just my luck! haha  Now all I have in my head is... "Lolly Pop Lolly Pop... Oh La La Lolly Pop"

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pink-Dazzled 47/365

Day #47.... July 9, 2009

Pink wanted to be Bedazzled but he didn't want to stay still long enough to complete his whole body. He only let me finish the top half. This took much longer than I thought it would! I have little white circles from the peal off rhinestones ALL over my room now! I don't even have the energy to take them off of him now and take another shot!! The idea in my head for this shot was much better... but I am out of patience! I was hoping to give it a glow effect in Photoshop but unfortunately I don't know enough about the program yet... so this may be a work in progress!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pink Silly String 46/365

Day #46.... July 8, 2009

Pink has been bugging me to see what silly string actually did. I told him to stand in the grass and smile and I shot him with it. Haha Poor Pink! At least now he knows what it is! My original idea for this shot was for it to be a long exposure and show it shooting out of the can... but that didn't really go as well as planned... so I resorted to just covering Pink with silly string! Almost as effective haha My dad is going to kill me when he sees what I did to his grass!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Pink Way to Eat an Oreo 45/365

Day #45.... July 7, 2009

Pink's way of eating an Oreo entails standing on a stack of Oreos so he can reach the top of the glass to dunk it in the milk. I told him that he should twist it open first but he said with his little hands that was too hard! Pink is on a little bit of a dessert binge... first ice cream... now Oreos!! I wish I could stay as skinny as him eating all that junk!

Monday, July 6, 2009

I Scream, You Scream, Pink Screams for Ice Cream! 44/365

Day #44.... July 6, 2009

I found some Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream just Pink's size!! I bought Strawberry Cheesecake hoping that it would be Pink.... but unfortunately it wasn't haha However, it did come with a little spoon! I wouldn't eat the whole carton Pink! That could give you one heck of a stomach ache!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pink at Your Service 43/365

Day #43... July 5, 2009

I have to serve tonight at the country club. I frickin hate waitressing sometimes! Especially for rich snobs! That is how I started working there but then I was "promoted" to receptionist... yippie! But of course they always ask me to help out when they are busy cuz I'm the best... haha Just kidding! You wouldn't believe the crap I've had to put up with there! Some people practically custom order their dishes because since they are members at the club they think they can and we really can't say no! Pink is coming with me to work today in my apron and hopefully helping me remember orders and hold me back from wanting to bitch slap a few people. Haha wow I probably sound like such a bitch... but actually I am way too sweet to even think about talking back to people... the right thing to say always comes to me way after the fact. Don't you hate how that happens?? In addition to the horrible people I have to wait on... would you want to wear that nasty maroon vest, a tux shirt, and a bow-tie?? I think not!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Pink Stars & Stripes 42/365

Day #42.... July 4, 2009

Ok this is being posted WAY late... closer to Labor Day than the 4th!! But I've had this idea for months and couldn't let it go! I used this little light up spinning wand for the light painting. My mom bought it for me... she was such a dork. She got a little tipsy and kept turning it on and being all obnoxious with it haha. She always remains cool and collected when she drinks... I'm the one she calls annoying haha

Friday, July 3, 2009

Pink-in-the-Box 41/365

Day #41... July 3, 2009

I found this little box at Michael's craft store as I was buying a frame for my Buddhist Monk painting. I also found some great items for Christmas shots.... too bad its so far away! I love shopping for Pink here... anything miniature and preferably pink.... I buy and try and incorporate into one of his shots. Pink wanted to jump out and surprise me like a Jack-in-the-Box. Crazy Pink....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pink's Art Gallery 40/365

Day #40.... July 2, 2009

Today Pink and I went to an Art show in Highland Park. We came away with this piece of artwork by Julia Watkins. She did these amazing swirl paintings that had pictures in them. At first I thought they were just pretty colors and swirls but when you look closer (or actually from a further distance) you see what it really is. Here is what she wrote about the painting...

"Four Buddhist monks stand in prayer on a balcony overlooking a plaza in Laos. One on the far right beats a large drum with a mallet. Sound waves emanate from the drum.

Whether by divine intervention or just coincidence, I later learned that I had placed colors in the painting where they would reside in Hindu Chakras. Chakras are energy centers associated with colors that reside in and around the body.

On another note, I created this painting because the monks represented people in perfect harmony with the flow of energy. The energy seemed to emanate from their centers and tie into everything around them. Also, the drum and the sound it emits is very interesting because it represents to me creation from nothingness, a central Buddhist concept. Nothing was there but then then sound was spontaneously created, taking on its own life, reaching out and tying the city and its people together."

I was draw to this painting because I have been doing a lot of reading on Buddhism. I consider myself Christian, but I just love most of the Buddhist teachings. I have read a book by the Dalai Lama and I just love his philosophy and outlook on life. This painting is pretty bright, but it adds a nice splash of color in my room. I hung it in a place that I will see first thing when I wake up in the morning so hopefully it will inspire me and give me energy. I just love it!

Also, on a side note, I was so inspired by the art show today! I would love to exhibit my work one day... when I improve that is! haha I talked to some of the artists and they gave me some great tips! I also learned new ways of displaying my photography which I can maybe use if I do in fact start doing some shows! There was even a youth section and these kids were amazing!!! This one girl did photography and her pictures were probably better than mine!! Kinda discouraging... but I guess I have only been doing this since April so we are probably on the same level... haha

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pink Loves Blurb! 39/365

Day #39.... July 1, 2009

I just published my first Blurb book called Zoo Safari which is a collection of pictures I have taken at Brookfield Zoo. Pink was excited to see my book and of course his favorite part was of the big cats! Probably so he could size them up! Should I remind him that he is actually just a TINY panther? Nah... I'll let him keep on believing he is as large as a real Panther!

I would love to make this Pink Panther series into a Blurb book, but I don't know if I would get into some kind of trouble because I am sure there is some protection on the Pink Panther. I wouldn't even try to sell it. I just want it for myself so I can see my progression in photography over the year and keep my whole project together. Since my original intention of this project was to improve my photography. The books turn out great! I am soooo happy with mine and I couldn't stop looking at it when I first got it!! (Neither could Pink!) Anyone know any information about whether or not I could publish a book on this series?

Zoo Safari By Kristin Earl Book Preview


I contacted Blurb to see if I could publish my Pink Panther series and they said that they do not monitor what books they process, they would only take legal action if a 3rd party had a problem later. They also cited a buch of legal mumbo jumbo that went straight over my head....So that means Pink will have his very own book!!! I probably won't sell it just in case I am not able to do it. I will have to research it. Plus, the book is going to be HUGE with 365 photos so the cost to cover the book alone would be probably way too much for anyone to buy. Besides me of course since I want to keep this whole project together and track the progression of my photography skills. Yay! Now I have to start designing it so I don't have to spend so much time once I hit #365!!!