Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pink's Date.... and the Aftermath

Here's a little recap of Pink's dating disaster! First he took a bubble bath to get all squeaky clean for his date! Next, he had to shave so his cheeks would be nice and smooth for his first kiss! She finally came over and Pink was ready for her with a pink rose... how romantic! On their date, they watched his very first episode.... yea... Pink likes to show off! Things went really well though! In fact a little toooo well! His date came back 9 weeks later (the length of a cat pregnancy) with a little surprise! However, Pink was heartbroken! He saw that the baby wasn't Pink! Now c'mon... how can 2 pink cats have a grey baby?? There must have been some funny business going on! So Pink gets all depressed and decides to drink... he ends up drinking TOO much. As predicted, he gets very sick and gets one hell of a pink hangover! The only cure for a hangover is Aspirin, but Pink is too sick and he nearly spills out all of the pills just to take one. Don't worry, this isn't some suicidal attempt. He then gets desperate. He wants to find the real woman of his dreams, so he resorts to kissing a frog. Little does he know though... kissing a frog gives you a PRINCE... not a PRINCESS! That's too bad Pink. Better luck next time!

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