Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pink Clipped 38/365

Day #38.... June 30, 2009

Pink had a little office supply accident today. He just looked at me and said "Uh... HELP!!" After he had been messing around in my desk drawer. Poor Pink! I had to snap a picture before I relieved him of the paperclips though! He just looked too funny!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Pink's Poker Face 37/365

Day #37.... June 29, 2009

Pink thinks those sunglasses help his poker face. He's a horrible liar! I am as well, Poker is one of the only card games I am not good at because I have a hard time deceiving friends. I might be ok at video poker though if I tried! haha

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Where Did Pink Go?? 36/365

Day #36.... June 28, 2009

I probably should have uploaded this one first, because now everyone has been on Pink overload with all of my recent catchup uploads. In case anyone didn't notice... the whole month of July Pink was pretty much on vacation. Well actually I just got pretty busy and neglected him. I am still just as busy if not more, but I am determined to keep this project up. It was pretty sad in July, I kept thinking of these great Pink ideas (some of which have already been uploaded as catchups) but I never did them and felt like I had just given up. I am glad I have picked up my camera again! I feel complete once again! I will never let Pink get lost again! If I can upload 5 or so pictures a day I can definitely do 1 a day as soon as I catch up!! I have 15 more pictures to catch up until I reach the 100th Pink Pic! I have 3 more days!! I can do it!!! Then you will no longer have to deal with too much Pink daily! haha

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Forget Purdue Pete... I Will Be Purdue Pink!! 35/365

Day # 35 June 27, 2009

Wow! It has almost been a year since I graduated! Pink is trying to get me to take a trip down to West Lafayette so he can try out to be Purdue's next mascot. He thinks he would do a better job than Pete so he is showing off some acrobatics to prove his point. Yea.... he's crazy!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Pink Fuzzy Slippers 34/365

Day # 34 June 26, 2009

I was getting ready for bed but I found Pink on my pillow claiming his spot pink slippers and all!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pink Gets in a Water Balloon Fight.... 33/365

Day # 33 June 25, 2009

.... and loses! Good thing it was hot out! He got all wet!

This took me about 6 balloons.... 4 of which were actually used. The other 2 popped when I set them down in the grass!! Luckily I got this shot... I didn't feel like filling more balloons up! haha

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fish Eyed Pink 32/365

Day #32 June 24, 2009

I got my Fisheye lens in the mail today and was anxious to try it out so I had Pink pose for me. He's probably thinking why me??? And what did you buy now???

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pink in the Shire 31/365

Day #31 June 23, 2009

Like Frodo, Pink is from the Shire too!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Relaxin'.... Pink Style 29/365

Day #29 June 21, 2009

After all that stress, Pink just wants to relax on the couch with Pinkie and watch some TV. Pink takes the opportunity to show off his fame by watching a few episodes of his series. Pinkie is very impressed!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pink's Relief 28/365

Day #28 June 20, 2009

It's been a long and stressful day for Pink! His trick worked and he finally has Pinkie back in his arms at last. Now he just has to make sure that she doesn't get outside again!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Pink's Trick 27/365

Day #27 June 19, 2009

Pink spots Pinkie hiding in the grass and devises a plan to get her to come. He knows that cats don't usually do as they are told.... He was clever and made a food trail so he could get her to come and catch her!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lost Pinkie 26/365

Day #26 June 18, 2009

Uh oh! Someone accidentally let Pink's new pet outside! Pink is so upset that he can't find her! He had just brought her home the day before and named her Pinkie. Yea....he's not very original......All he cold do was cry by the bowl of food he left out for her. My mom gave me the idea to use a bottle cap as a little bowl haha Thanks mom!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Click it or Ticket Pink! 25/365

Day #25 June 17, 2009

That's right Pink! Buckle up! He also wanted to keep his new pet safe and sound while I drive them home.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pink of the Litter 24/365

Day #24 June 16, 2009

As soon as Pink laid his eyes on this cute kitty he knew that she was the perfect pink pet for him! Now he just has to name her!
Whenever I find something pink and miniature at a store I must buy it and I find a way to incorporate it into one of Pink's shots. I saw this little kitty while I was at Dominick's and I just had to get it! I have probably spent more money on Pink than myself lately... now that's sad!
The title comes from a Pink Panther episode which actually has to do with him picking up garbage but I thought it fit nicely here as well with the little kitty. She sure was the pick of the litter! Check out "Pink of the Litter" on YouTube

Monday, June 15, 2009

Pink in Search of a Pink Pet 23/365

Day #23 June 15, 2009

After being a little too lonely, Pink is in search of a pet so he takes a trip to Petsmart!

This was a fun shot!! I went to this specific Petsmart early in the morning thinking that the parking lot was right in front of the store so with no one there I could take a quick easy picture.... but no. Pink and I (crouched down) are actually in the middle of the road leading into the shopping center. I got some pretty strange looks! But whatever, I like how it turned out!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Scrambled Pink 22/365

Day #22 June 14, 2009

Pink is making me some Sunday morning scrambled eggs because he knows I have to work all day. Don't burn them or yourself!! He is so sweet. However, I am currently at work uploading these pictures... shhh I'm technically getting paid to show Pink to the world.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pink Picks me a Perfectly Pink English Daisy 21/365

Day #21 June 13, 2009

Or at least he tried to until I told him that picking flowers at the Botanic Gardens wasn't allowed! He had good intentions though! (and I only knew they were English Daisies because I made sure to take a picture of the sign to remind me... I need to learn my flower names)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Barefoot Pink 20/365

Day #20 June 12, 2009

While at work Pink pointed out this lost shoe stuck on a white picket fence to me and told me I should take a picture of it. Good thing he did! It turned out being one of my favorite shots. Thanks Pink! However, Pink was more worried about the poor little girl running around Winnetka half barefoot.

But anyways, photography has really taught me to live in the moment. There have been so many times I saw something that I wanted to photograph but said I would do it later. The picture that I had in my head was no longer there when I got around to wanting to take the shot. Thankfully I have learned to just sieze the moment and take that picture then and there! Granted I have my camera with me....

Here's the Picture I Took!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pink's Date.... and the Aftermath

Here's a little recap of Pink's dating disaster! First he took a bubble bath to get all squeaky clean for his date! Next, he had to shave so his cheeks would be nice and smooth for his first kiss! She finally came over and Pink was ready for her with a pink rose... how romantic! On their date, they watched his very first episode.... yea... Pink likes to show off! Things went really well though! In fact a little toooo well! His date came back 9 weeks later (the length of a cat pregnancy) with a little surprise! However, Pink was heartbroken! He saw that the baby wasn't Pink! Now c'mon... how can 2 pink cats have a grey baby?? There must have been some funny business going on! So Pink gets all depressed and decides to drink... he ends up drinking TOO much. As predicted, he gets very sick and gets one hell of a pink hangover! The only cure for a hangover is Aspirin, but Pink is too sick and he nearly spills out all of the pills just to take one. Don't worry, this isn't some suicidal attempt. He then gets desperate. He wants to find the real woman of his dreams, so he resorts to kissing a frog. Little does he know though... kissing a frog gives you a PRINCE... not a PRINCESS! That's too bad Pink. Better luck next time!

Pink Kiss 19/365

Day #19 June 11, 2009

Pink is looking for a real princess this time so he found a frog to kiss. Should I tell him that you kiss a frog for him to turn into a prince and not a princess?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pink Hangover 18/365

Day #18 June 10, 2009

Yep.... all that tequila sure gave Pink a hangover the next morning. Don't worry he's not trying to take all those pills, he knows one will do! I'm sure he will think twice about drinking again!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sick Pink 17/365

Day #17 June 9, 2009

You knew this was going to happen after all that tequila Pink drank! Poor Pink.... I hope he feels better soon!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hello... My Name is Pink, and I'm an Alcoholic 16/365

Day #16 June 8, 2009

1 Tequila... 2 Tequila.... 3 Tequila.... FLOOR! 3 bottles of Tequila down.... maybe he should go to an AA meeting! I tried to tell him everything will be ok! He was just eyeing that last shot even though he clearly has had enough! Women sure are evil!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Trying to Suppress Pink's Thoughts 15/365

Day #15 June 7, 2009

Depressed with his love's infidelity.... Pink turns to the bottle. Conveniently, he has his limes and salt ready as well.....

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wait.... He's Not Pink...... 14/365

Day #14 June 6, 2009

So.... Things went so well on Pink's date, she came back 9 weeks later (length of a cat pregnancy) with a little surprise.....However, Pink wasn't to be fooled... he wasn't pink!! He was heart broken though.... he was starting to fall in love with her. Poor Pink! :-(

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Match Made in Pink Heaven 13/365

Day #13 June 5, 2009

The date went great! They stayed at Pink's house and cuddled as they watched his very 1st episode! This happens to be my favorite episdoe as well! As I have mentioned... I own the complete series on DVD. Do Do... Do Do... Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do DOOOOOO......

Check out "The Pink Phink" on YouTube!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pink Date 12/365

Day #12 June 4, 2009

She has finally arrived! The cat of Pink's Dreams!! He greeted her with a pink rose. What a gentleman! By the way... Pink likes bigger women....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pink Needs to Shave 11/365

Day #11 June 3, 2009

Pink needs to finish getting ready for his date! He needs to shave in hopes that she will feel his baby soft cheeks during their goodnight kiss!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pink Bubbles 10/365

Day #10 June 2, 2009

It's Official! Pink has a date tonight!!! He is getting ready by taking a nice relaxing bubble bath. Good luck Pink!! If this gets serious.... he may want to take down the picture of the hot chicks in his bathroom though.....

Setup compliments of Barbie! Perfect size for Pink here... AND... all Barbie accessories are PINK! How convenient!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Hoppin' Pink Style 9/365

Day #9 June 1, 2009

It stopped raining for a brief moment so Pink wanted to act like a kid again and play some pink hop scotch. I don't know if you can tell... but Pink made sure that I gave him pink chalk!