Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pink in the Mail 1/365

Day #1 May 24, 2009

I am new to photography and on Flickr there is this great group where you take a picture of one object a day for an entire year! I thought this would be a great way to work on my photography skills! Maybe I will teach myself a thing or two! I know this is kind of strange... but people really get into it and have come up with some truly creative shots! I wanted to take the challenge as well! I thought and thought of which object to choose. I knew it had to be great because I would have to deal with it for an entire year! I also wanted a bendable object so I could give my shots some character and allow them to express an emotion. While doing a search on cartoon characters a picture of the Pink Panther popped up. I knew instantly this would be my object!! I LOVE the Pink Panther and own the whole cartoon series on DVD! I just hope no one gets the song stuck in their head now! It's hard to get rid of!! So my One Object a Day project is staring the Pink Panther himself. How perfect... I love Pink and cats... what could be better?? I will shoot this sassy little fellow every day over the next year. Each photo will have a title incorporating pink just like the cartoon series. Hopefully he will have quite an adventure!

Look who came in the mail today!!! Well.... yesterday, since today is Sunday! But I wanted to start with this shot to introduce Pink and my 365 Day Project. My mom didn't want me to shoot this photo because our mailbox is looking pretty dumpy and needs a makeover!

These photos have already been posted on Flickr, but a friend gave me the idea to post these on a blog as well! Also, after reading and seeing Julie & Julia, I have been inspired to put my work out there!

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