Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pink Umbrella ~ ella ~ ella 8/365

Day #8 May 31, 2009

Ok yea I know... that song is old.... its been soooo rainy here in Chicago! Pink has decided to venture outside before a thunderstorm to see whats going on. Yes, that is a little cocktail umbrella... and yes, I had to use a pink one!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pink Travels 7/365

Day #7 May 30, 2009

I promise Pink will have some better adventures soon! I have so many great ideas! They are just dependent on the weather and me having a spare minute! For now, Pink resides in my camera bag and I take him everywhere I go. He sure travels in style!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Watch the Road Pink! 6/365

Day # 6 May 29, 2009

I was too tired to drive home from work Friday night so Pink took over the wheel. He would rather pose for a picture than drive so I had to remind him to keep his little yellow eyes on the road! I made it home safe and sound thank god!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pink Butt Copies 5/365

Day #5 May 28, 2009

The weather has really been cramping my style!! It has been the rainiest month of May in years!!! I have all these great ideas planned for outdoor shots but I had to resort to a shot at work. I have been pretty physically, emotionally, and mentally drained lately so Pink is trying to lighten my mood by copying his butt. Naughty Pink! The work place isn't for jokes!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Toasty Pink 4/365

Day # 4 May 27, 2009

Pink is making toast today since today is the anniversary of the Pop-Up toaster. And here is some random and useless information about bread and the electric Pop-Up toaster!

Otto Frederick Rohwedder invented the bread slicer, which he started working on in 1912. At first, Rohwedder came up with the idea of a device that held the slices together with hat pins (not a success). In 1928, he designed a machine that sliced and wrapped the bread to prevent the sliced bread from going stale. Pre-sliced bread was popularized by Wonder Bread in 1930, helping to spread the toaster's popularity further. Toasting bread began as a method of prolonging the life of bread. It was very common activity in Roman times, 'tostum' is the Latin word for scorching or burning. The first electric toaster was invented in 1893 in Great Britain by Crompton and Co (UK) and re-invented in 1909 in the United States. It only toasted one side of the bread at a time and it required a person to stand by and turn it off manually when the toast looked done. Charles Strite invented the modern timer, pop-up toaster in 1919.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pink Dessert 3/365

Day # 3 May 26, 2009

So... today is Cherry Dessert Day. Idunno, don't ask! I found a few websites that have random and bizarre holidays and this is the holiday for today! The Pink Panther was excited about this one and couldn't wait to eat the cherry pie afterwards! They are unsure about the origins of the "holiday" but here are some useless cherry tidbits...

Sweet cherries are mainly grown in the Pacific coast states and are either sold as fresh fruit or processed into maraschino cherries. Tart cherries (also called pie cherries), are best known as the key ingredient in desserts. They make excellent pies, jams, jellies, preserves and juice. About 75% of the tart cherries in the US are grown in Michigan.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Pink's Memorial 2/365

Day #2 May 25, 2009

Since today is Memorial Day, the Pink Panther would like to remember all of those brave soldiers that have given their lives for our freedom. They have paid the ultimate price. Also, for all of our troops overseas may they have a safe return soon!
I bought these little guys at Target. I was looking for those typical green soldier toys but I couldn't find them!!! I like these better anyway though!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pink in the Mail 1/365

Day #1 May 24, 2009

I am new to photography and on Flickr there is this great group where you take a picture of one object a day for an entire year! I thought this would be a great way to work on my photography skills! Maybe I will teach myself a thing or two! I know this is kind of strange... but people really get into it and have come up with some truly creative shots! I wanted to take the challenge as well! I thought and thought of which object to choose. I knew it had to be great because I would have to deal with it for an entire year! I also wanted a bendable object so I could give my shots some character and allow them to express an emotion. While doing a search on cartoon characters a picture of the Pink Panther popped up. I knew instantly this would be my object!! I LOVE the Pink Panther and own the whole cartoon series on DVD! I just hope no one gets the song stuck in their head now! It's hard to get rid of!! So my One Object a Day project is staring the Pink Panther himself. How perfect... I love Pink and cats... what could be better?? I will shoot this sassy little fellow every day over the next year. Each photo will have a title incorporating pink just like the cartoon series. Hopefully he will have quite an adventure!

Look who came in the mail today!!! Well.... yesterday, since today is Sunday! But I wanted to start with this shot to introduce Pink and my 365 Day Project. My mom didn't want me to shoot this photo because our mailbox is looking pretty dumpy and needs a makeover!

These photos have already been posted on Flickr, but a friend gave me the idea to post these on a blog as well! Also, after reading and seeing Julie & Julia, I have been inspired to put my work out there!